Firewire ENDORFINS KS1 FIN SET Designed by 11 time world champ “Kelly Slater” Designed by 11 time world champ “Kelly Slater” KS1 — Medium FRONT CENTER B — 113.5mm B —109mm H — 116.5mm H — 113mm KS1 — Quad Rears B- 98mm H – 106mm A better build – innovative carbon inlays in Endorfins add strength and flex that enable them to be built with a core comprised…
PYZEL ASTROPOP 6’10” futures Electrolite 6’10″x 21.5″x 3.06″x 50.4lt tri/quad fin setup. Electrolite eps great condition two repaired dings on bottom with a dent or two. come with bag(brokenZip)
Product Information Worlds lightest Surf helmet with easy removable Ear Protectors, Spare Comfort Strips and Storage Bag. Visor and Peak accessories available. Technical Information Gath helmets are made from quality materials to strict specifications and are built to last and are backed with a 3 year warranty. All materials are strong, durable, rust proof and will withstand harsh climate conditions and temperature extremes. Shell …..UV stable, impact resistant, quality ABS plastic. Visors…. UV stable, shatter…