Towing the quad bike with the truck on return from surf trip Continue reading...

When Surf Trips Go Wrong

It was an exciting start to the week when my buddy Andy called me at 1030 last night tell me his quad bike had broken down on a surf trip and was stuck on the beach and could i help him tow it out?! He was returning home from a local surfing spot earlier that night when the engine started making some strange noises and then shat itself. We decided to recover the quad bike…

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Channel Islands Surfboards Crew in Panama

Here is some footage of the Channel Islands Surfboards crew as they take on Panama. Panama has 2400 kms of coastline and pretty amazing surfing to go with that. Costa Rica is often the name that comes up before Panama, but Panama has something for everyone, from outright kooks to wannabe pro’s. The best time of year to go is around April to June when the wind blows offshore and the south-west swell is bigger…

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The Zeppelin Continue reading...

The Zeppelin – Rusty Surfboards – One for the old timers…

One for the old timers and bigger lads, let me introduce. . . The Zeppelin by Rusty Surfboards The Zeppelin was brought to our attention by one of the elderly crustations that spends a portion of their morning sitting on our deck drinking coffee with the other dinosaurs who are now perminant fixtures outside the front door , and I mean that with the upmost respect. These old timers spend countless hours talking , yelling…

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Dolphin of Oakura Beach Continue reading...

Oakura Beach Sunset

While there was most likely some epic surfing to be had last night, I took the opportunity to shoot out in the boat and see if i could grab some tuna. Alas no fish at all, but it was one of the stillest nights i can remember being on the water in Taranaki ever, and so beautiful out there! Ran into an amazing pod of dolphins on the way out and managed to catch some…

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Jason Stevenson from JS Surfboards Continue reading...

Who are JS Surfboards?

JS Surfboards JS Surfboards is the brain child of Jason Stevenson – another banana bending Aussie from Queensland. Jason build this business up himself and quickly attracted some of the best surfers in the work such as Parko and Occy. He has been shaping boards since he was in nappies (or just about) and in the last couple of years Jason’s designs have proven themselves to be among the best in the world. Jason grew up…

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Where to go surfing tomorrow?

With light North West forecast again for tomorrow, it looks like it’s back to back beach again! Just sitting down at the beach now there’s a solid 3 foot swell running and the wind is about 3 kn Cross shore and there is probably about six people out there and 1000 bluebottles! Yes those annoying Aussies are back… But apparently out the back is okay, they are playing like on the beach, where a wet…

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Stand up paddle boarding in New Zealand Continue reading...

Barrels at Back Beach

Quite a strong Northerly blowing today and managed to find some shelter and some barrels at back beach. Its always hard to try and fit a 9′ stand up paddle board into a 5 ft face, but it didn’t stop me giving a crack! In the photo above my paddle is probably the only part of me in the barrel, but still claimed it with a double fist pump!:| Actually when i pulled into the…

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Stand Up Paddle Boarding in New Zealand Continue reading...

555 Reasons to Try Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Stand Up Paddle Boarding is a sport that might not look as flash or fun as regular old surfing, but after 10 years of SUPing, i feel like I’m just beginning to understand the magic of the sport. During a recent 4 day camping mission to a secret surf spot, (to protect it, lets just call it: Bailey Road, Pungarehu, Taranaki – google it!), I had the most truly epic four days of surfing of…

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