The Zeppelin – Rusty Surfboards – One for the old timers… 4 February 2016 – Posted in: Surfing

One for the old timers and bigger lads, let me introduce. . . The Zeppelin by Rusty Surfboards

The Zeppelin was brought to our attention by one of the elderly crustations that spends a portion of their morning sitting on our deck drinking coffee with the other dinosaurs who are now perminant fixtures outside the front door , and I mean that with the upmost respect.

These old timers spend countless hours talking , yelling and arguing about different board designs which has lead to what seems a competition who can purchase the most surfboards.

The particular old timer that stumbled across the Rusty Zeppelin on the U.S website demanded we order one in for him so we ordered a few , which intailed getting the files sent from America to Australia to get the boards shaped as they weren’t available across the ditch.

Never have I seen a reaction from these lads as I did when they got their hands on these boards! Within the week all the Zeppelin’s were gone with a few of the old timers snatching them up and one particularly large younger chap picking up the last one.

The feedback was simple from all of whom got their grubby mits on one “phenominal” ,  “best board ever” sums it up.

The Zepplin in all honesty wasn’t designed for the old timers or bigger lads , but for those who wanted higher volume without sacrificing performance , which is exactly why it is the perfect choice for the above.

Stock sizes from 6’4″ to 7’0″ are on the way so if it sounds like the board for YOU come and talk to us and put YOUR grubby lil mits on one!

The Zeppelin Surfboard Review


Check out the Rusty Surfboards range in our online store.